This is Green Innovations Newsletter, a monthly newsletter about the latest green tech innovations that will blow your mind!

A ton of innovation is happening in the green or sustainability technology sector, which is not discussed enough. New technologies, companies, and revolutions to sustain our earth are happening continuously.

You can expect 4 to 6 articles every last week of the month from us, Santhosh & Martijn, that’ll have a small summary of the tech in plain English and the link to the source article.

Come with us, explore these innovations, and get inspired for the future!

Subscribe to Green Innovations Newsletter

A monthly summary of the latest green tech innovations that will blow your mind!


Currently taking a break from full time product role to explore what next. Curious about the innovations in the clean / green energy space.
Professional Founder & Creator @WhatPulse, @MuteDeck, Improving & mapping productivity is my sweet spot. Freelance tech marketing.